Sunday, January 13, 2013

Unending days of morning sickness

Ugh.. this is awful

The term "morning" sickness is false advertisement. I have been sick from the moment I wake up, all throughout the day, before I go to bed, and throughout the night. 

In fact, I think I jinxed myself. 

Here I was complaining to the hubby about how little my pregnancy symptoms were. In fact, they were so little, I was worried I might not even be pregnant. I was joking about how embarrassing it would be to go to my first prenatal visit, only to be informed, "Uh.. sorry ma'am, but your not having a baby."

Then BAM! 

Half way through week six, the nausea started to make itself present. At first, it was just a little morning nausea, with a few bouts here and there throughout the day. I thought maybe my body wasn't happy because I was waking up so early for work. By the time I got into the shower around 5:30 a.m., I already had a piece of peppermint gum in my mouth to try and calm my stomach. 

The first couple days of work I managed to get through, but by Thursday the nausea had only gotten worse. By now I was noticing food aversions and all I could really stomach were really bland things. 

My Thursday food intake consisted of: 
half a toasted bagel
fresh pear
a small bag of goldfish crackers
fresh cucumber and red bell pepper w/ hummus

Even then, getting some of those items down was quite a task!

Since Thursdays are the start of my weekends, I had made plans to go see a movie with my girlfriend. When we got there, to my surprise popcorn and red licorice sounded pretty good. I'm not sure if it was from the pregnancy or because I should have been starving (I'm thinking the latter, considering the above listed foods I had ate all day).. 

After the movie and surprisingly feeling okay, I settled into bed. I was very excited to be able to sleep in the next day as my sleep throughout the week had been very limited. Talk about tossing and turning! 

Things were going pretty good until about 3:30 a.m.. One second I was soundly asleep in my bed, and the next? 

Yup. Hugging the porcelain goddess. 

That was my first round of pregnancy vomiting and let me just say, things haven't been the same since. 
It is now Saturday and I am spending yet another entire day laying in bed. The nausea is so bad I can hardly get around. 

I have managed to eat saltine crackers, a little chicken noodle soup, plain bagels, and ginger ale; none of which has helped with the morning sickness. 

Randy finally ran to Babies R' Us to purchase some preggie pops and drops. They seem to settle my stomach a little bit, but really aren't much of a cure. I would hate to get on any prescription nausea medicine; however, if I continue to feel this way, there is no way I will be able to make it through work.. 

..and well, that just isn't an option. 

So here is to the next 5 1/2 weeks.. Hoping and praying that by my second semester all this nausea will be history! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Yes. That is correct.. 

And Then There Were.. Three

Randy and I have finally made the leap and are happy to announce that we are expecting our first baby this September 2013. 

As most know, I am a lover of children and have been waiting for this day for quite some time. What once was a five year plan, quickly turned into a seven year plan and without husbands persuasion, probably would have been a ten year plan. 

So how did this happen, you may ask? 

Well I am sure you know how it happened, but when maybe? 

The husband and I have been talking for quite some time.. well more like since shortly after we said our "I do's".. remember that initial five year plan I had? Ha! We had planned that after five years of marriage and what we thought would have been a couple years post finishing my education for my career, we would be ready to start a family. 

Well five years flew by! Our 5th anniversary came faster than expected and school took a little longer than planned. 

While the husband had hoped our 5th anniversary would have been the "baby moon," it most certainly was not. By this time I had convinced myself I just was not ready. 

Take it from me, don't make promises five years in advance; you most likely won't be able to keep them!

So what was holding me back? 

After deep thought, I didn't even know. 

Randy and I have discussed numerous times that in order for us to start a family, we both need to be at a place in our lives where we could raise and take care of the child without the help of one another. 

I have always been a Plan A, Plan B, Plan C type of girl.. I wanted to know that if something were to ever happen to Randy, I would be able to not only take care of myself, but also our family. That was why it was so important for me to complete my schooling and get started in my career.

Well, we are finally in this position. 

I think it was grasping this fact, that helped me take the leap towards becoming a parent. 

That and the fact that I turned 26 in November and started to realize that if I want to have three or four children, I didn't have much longer to wait before getting started. I definitely don't want to be 40 and pregnant.. no offense to those that are. 

While I thought it was going to take longer to get pregnant than it did.. (we started trying in October and I found out I was 5 weeks pregnant just after Christmas).. I am happy to say I am ready to start this new chapter in my life. 

So here is to a Blessed 2013 and the little miracle that is growing inside! 

