Oh hey 2014! Where did you come from?!
I seriously cannot believe it is almost January 1st and another new year is about to begin!
2013 was a year filled with so many blessings, that I truly cannot
wait to see what 2014 has in store for us!
I have never been one to make new years resolutions and don't intend to start this year.
I just try to live each day one day at a time
and whatever happens, happens.
So what happened in 2013…
I began by ringing the New Year in with good company and a special bundle brewing inside me.
I sadly left my first real job as a dental hygienist,
but gladly so I could move back home and deliver/raise my daughter close to family.
I became a first-time home owner.
I survived an entire nine months being pregnant,
delivered a beautiful healthy little girl,
and became a mom.
I turned 27.
I went to Colorado to see/help take care of my Grandma while she was in the ICU.
(And by Gods wonderful grace, she is getting better each and every day! We love you Grandma!!)
Lastly, I celebrated this holiday season by watching my daughter experience her
first Thanksgiving and Christmas.
What a wonderful and blessed life!
With that being said, I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Years eve
and that 2014 is everything you could hope for!
Here are some pictures of us during the holiday season!
1st Thanksgiving
Her little tutu I made
On My Birthday!
Christmas Tree Hunting
My attempt at a family photo.. fail
Daddy and His little Bear
We found our tree!
She isn't so sure about this.. lol
Playing with the lights
Such a fascinating thing
On our way to Colorado
Passed out before takeoff! She did amazing both flights!
Off to her 1st Christmas Party
Annual Damore Christmas Party!
All tuckered out
Her Christmas Dress
Headed to Church for a wonderful Christmas Service
Someone's Ready to Party again!
Annual Christmas Eve Party w/ these lovely ladies!
Tegans Christmas outfit I made her
Loves her Auntie Kristina
and Grandpa Rick
Lounging with Uncle Rickey
The first present she got to help open!
Doing Yoga stretches with Auntie Danielle
Dancing around with Grandpa Jeff
Merry Christmas!
Mommy helping out
Auntie D helping out
Grandpa's turn
Books from Anna!
I'd say your 1st Christmas was a success! (Plus you got even more the next day!)
Spoiled cutie in her Christmas Jammies
Wt: 14 lbs 2 oz (50%) Ht: 24 3/4 in (50%)
So now that Tegan is four months old, she has:
Rolled over from front to back, as well as back to front.
Prefers to be upright instead of laying down, so she can look around.
Chats up quite a storm.
Went on her first airplane ride.
Sleeps in the playard section of her pack-n-play.
Uses her little abs to try and sit-up, yet she is nowhere near sitting on her own.
Is getting better with her hand-eye coordination.
Reaches for things and most always brings them to her mouth to suck/chew on.