Sunday, March 24, 2013

Decisions to be made

I feel like this month has flown by and I have so many decisions to make! 

I wish I could splurge on all the details, but for now.. 
we will just stick to baby news! 

Holy moly! I can definitely tell my stomach has been growing this past week. 
I feel like I went from hardly anything to, "Oh my gosh, I can't suck this in anymore!" 

It is exciting to finally start looking somewhat pregnant; however, I keep reminding myself that I have a little over 22 more weeks of growing to do! 
I can't even imagine what it is going to be like during those hot August summer days.

I am definitely excited to be at the river, as well as poolside relaxing; I am not excited about the idea of trying to get myself in a bathing suit. 
I think summer dresses and halter tops it will be! 

While I love a pregnant belly, I also get completely creeped out by how big they get towards the end. 
Six to seven months, definitely cute! Nine to ten... not so much! 

If you are my friend and feel this way too, I will try to steer clear of exposing you to what will soon be my massive belly baring hopefully a not so massive child! ;)

What do you think? Definitely growing, huh?!

How far along? 17 Weeks 2 days  
Total weight gain: One pound still    
Maternity clothes? Hoping to buy some this weekend! Definitely looking forward to Portland and no sales tax!
Stretch marks? Nope. I keep forgetting to go buy some good belly lotion/oil though. I am almost out of the little sample my sister sent me, which has been a lifesaver for all the itching!
Sleep: Some days are amazing, others I wake up every hour.   
Best moment this week: Bumping into my patients head twice with my stomach during their cleaning and realizing 1) I need to watch my stomach, and 2) haha.. this is only going to get 90x worse!
Miss Anything? Being able to fit in my tops.. my wardrobe is slim pickin’s these days!
Movement: Not yet, but hoping for any day now!  
Food cravings: Still no
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing really specific at this time. I still am avoiding certain foods just because of how bad my aversions were.
Gender: So this is a big bummer!! According to my doctor, I should be finding out the sex this Friday. However, my imaging center refuses to see me until at least 20 weeks.. In which due to my work schedule, I won’t be finding out until 21 weeks. Man, I was sooo looking forward to finding out this Easter weekend! We even had a big announcement planned! :(
Labor Signs: No
Symptoms: Intense muscle pain/stretching, sciatica issues, random nausea, headaches.
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I feel like I have been a little more emotional these last few days.. Mostly due to decisions that need to be made and missing my hubby and pup.
Looking forward to: Easter weekend! 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

fun filled weekends

What a special treat!!

My oldest sister came up from Portland to hang with me Thursday-Sunday. 

Our weekend consisted of:
Veggin' out
Watching one too many episodes of Duck Dynasty 
Mediocre mani/pedi, but the massage chair made it worth it!
Listening to my little one's heartbeat, as well as having six vials of blood drawn
Meeting up with her Yogi friends for dinner at the Black Bottle
A trip to Capitol Hill for some very unimpressive shopping
A mid-day movie to watch The Life of Pi
Meeting up with her old Husky girlfriend's for dinner at the Kushibar
A late night excursion to find the space needle..
Which of course resulted in a handstand picture :)
And a special trip to Top Pot to fix a doughnut craving (and no, it wasn't my craving!)

All in all, it was a great weekend and I would have to say I probably experienced more in this one weekend than the entire time I have lived up here! 

Thanks for a good time sister! Love you! 

Oh yes! and how can I forget?! 

Happy St. Patrick's Day! 

It has been entertaining looking at everybody's green fun! 
I think pretty much everyone did the Shamrock Run this weekend and I loved seeing everyone all dressed up! 
This photo is about the extent of my green fun! 

How far along? 16 Weeks 2 days  
Total weight gain: Just one pound!! You could say I was happy at my doctor’s appointment!   
Maternity clothes? Well lets just say.. I think my next trip down to Vancouver is going to call for some shopping in Portland. Sadly, this weekend while trying to get dressed up for all our dinner occasions, I was having trouble finding tops to fit my upper half. I’m trying to hold off until belly is bigger though…
Stretch marks? Not yet, but with the amount of itching I have been having, I know I am stretching and growing!
Sleep: Slept pretty darn good this weekend!  
Best moment this week: Spending some sister time and having her at my doctor’s appointment. Baby’s heartbeat was 155.. pretty consistent still!
Miss Anything? Having a good appetite. I am definitely eating better than I have been my entire pregnancy; however, I just don’t crave things anymore.   
Movement: Nope.. just round ligament pain.
Food cravings: Nope
Anything making you queasy or sick: Certain things here and there.. I have accepted that I probably will feel nauseous occasionally throughout my entire pregnancy and am thankful that it is no longer as intense as it was during my first three months.
Gender: I’ll be setting up the anatomy scan appointment tomorrow!
Labor Signs: Nope
Symptoms: Round ligament pain, lots of itching, on and off nausea, still get the funny taste in my mouth after eating certain things..
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy.. there are some things that for certain would make me happier, but they will come soon enough!
Looking forward to: hopefully another quick work week than girls night at Julies! 

xoxo, Gabrielle 

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Long Weeks

It's that time again.. 

Just got home from a lovely drive home from Vancouver. Ehm, most boring drive ever!

With that being said, I have some long weeks ahead of me.. yet, exciting weeks. 

First off, my big sissy Danielle will be up on Thursday to spend the weekend with me.. excited for some girl time and relaxation! 

I will FINALLY be done with my last class {ever} this weekend as well.. Can I get an A'men? 

I have a sixteen (or was it nineteen?!) hour CE course to take the following weekend in Seattle.. I'm about to be a Pro on Sleep Apnea! 

AND we find out the gender of the baby at the end of the month; which we will than get to share our exciting news with family over Easter weekend! 

I think the hardest part about these next few weeks will be being without my Boo! 
I can only imagine what he is gonna say when he sees me in almost three weeks and how much bigger baby/my belly will be!

Here I am at 15 weeks!
Can't believe I will be half way through my pregnancy in just a months time!

How far along? 15 weeks 2 Days 
Total weight gain: According to my sisters scale, I think I'm up about 2 or 3 lbs.. I will know for sure at my dr's appointment this Friday. 
Maternity clothes? Not yet.. My jeans are getting a little more snug though.. 
Stretch marks? No.. but I do feel like I'm stretching! 
Sleep: I feel even more tired this trimester than I did in my first! I would say I am getting more sleep, but still not sleeping well. 
Best moment this week: There were a lot of good moments this week! But um, baby related? Stepping on my sisters scale and seeing that I had not put on 10 lbs like I thought I did! haha 
Miss Anything? My husband and puppy.. Even though it has only been like 3 hours! :)
Movement: I was having some really weird pain in my stomach on the drive up tonight.. I don't think it was baby moving though.. more so ligament pain from my stomach stretching. 
Food cravings: Nope.. I kind of am feeling as though I may not be a craving pregnant lady..?!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Well.. I started dry heaving again over the weekend.. not sure why or what it is from.. so I guess we can still say brushing my teeth is a challenge (and yes, I still brush my teeth, clean my tongue and floss like normal).. and then anything just really strong smelling/tasting. OH! I did have Hulu Boy Yakisoba noodles for lunch one day.. Bad idea.. baby did not like it!
Gender: Keep posted!! I will be scheduling my ultrasound soon! 
Labor Signs: Negative. 
Symptoms: So my newest one has been the hiccups.. but not like normal hiccups; instead, these hiccups make me almost want to throw up.. if that makes sense? 
Belly Button in or out? In.. However, I wish my belly would stick further out.. I'm tired of looking like a chubby muffin top! 
Wedding rings on or off? On.. so far all my jewelry still fits! 
Happy or Moody most of the time: I've been pretty happy lately with some things that are going on in my life! However, I do get irritated pretty quickly about some things.. I try to watch my attitude. 
Looking forward to:  The things mentioned above!! 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Good Days and Bad Days


While my morning sickness has still yet to go, I can start to say that some days are better than others. Today you ask? Not so much.  

However, I am noticing the little things here and there that remind me I have made it to my second trimester. (more to follow below)

I feel as though any day, my stomach is just going to POP out and say BAM! I'M HERE! 

As for my updated picture.. I am sorry I am a little behind. We
 had a very crazy busy weekend, but I am really excited to keep you guys updated over the next few weeks and months about things that are to come! 

So with that being said, here I am at 14 weeks 3 days. 
(Oh yeah.. not the best picture either.. again, long day). 

How far along? 14 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: I don’t officially know, but I am sure at least 1-3 lbs. At least that is how I feel these days!  
Maternity clothes? Still no. However, I feel it is coming sooner than later.  
Stretch marks? No, but I am definitely growing in certain areas! I just told Randy earlier, “Babe, I think it is time to buy some belly lotion..”
Sleep: Some nights are better than others.. still always wake up multiple times though.
Best moment this week: Eating an amazingly delicious veggie sub from subway! (I had another the next day.. sadly, it wasn’t as good).
Miss Anything? Of course, but right now I would LIKE to miss the acne spreading like wildfire across my face! Geez these hormones are something else!  
Movement: Still no kicks, hiccups, burps.. whatever it is we are suppose to feel..
Food cravings: Not yet. I am definitely starting to eat more though and get hungry more often! (Hence the probability of weight gain…)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes, still going through my morning sickness. Haven’t dared to touch a salad yet as I am still traumatized by the taste of my last one. Randy made me a PB&J on wheat bread today; it was tolerable, still not the best tasting thing.
Gender: Hopefully finding out at the end of the month!
Labor Signs: Again, no.
Symptoms: Lots of bloat and discomfort in my organs. I think as baby is getting bigger, I am more aware that things are being moved around inside of me. Again, morning sickness, food aversions, headaches, bad sleep, increase in appetite, dizziness, low blood sugar.. the usual.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.. However, I think pretty much anyway can tell I have my belly button pierced through my shirts now..
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and hoping to buy Randy one soon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mix.. I think I am definitely more happy when I feel good.. and people can tell when I feel bad.. Although, I wouldn’t necessarily say I am “moody” when I feel bad.. just kind of down and out..
Looking forward to: waking up one morning and feeling 100% free of morning sickness!