Monday, March 4, 2013

Good Days and Bad Days


While my morning sickness has still yet to go, I can start to say that some days are better than others. Today you ask? Not so much.  

However, I am noticing the little things here and there that remind me I have made it to my second trimester. (more to follow below)

I feel as though any day, my stomach is just going to POP out and say BAM! I'M HERE! 

As for my updated picture.. I am sorry I am a little behind. We
 had a very crazy busy weekend, but I am really excited to keep you guys updated over the next few weeks and months about things that are to come! 

So with that being said, here I am at 14 weeks 3 days. 
(Oh yeah.. not the best picture either.. again, long day). 

How far along? 14 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: I don’t officially know, but I am sure at least 1-3 lbs. At least that is how I feel these days!  
Maternity clothes? Still no. However, I feel it is coming sooner than later.  
Stretch marks? No, but I am definitely growing in certain areas! I just told Randy earlier, “Babe, I think it is time to buy some belly lotion..”
Sleep: Some nights are better than others.. still always wake up multiple times though.
Best moment this week: Eating an amazingly delicious veggie sub from subway! (I had another the next day.. sadly, it wasn’t as good).
Miss Anything? Of course, but right now I would LIKE to miss the acne spreading like wildfire across my face! Geez these hormones are something else!  
Movement: Still no kicks, hiccups, burps.. whatever it is we are suppose to feel..
Food cravings: Not yet. I am definitely starting to eat more though and get hungry more often! (Hence the probability of weight gain…)
Anything making you queasy or sick: Yes, still going through my morning sickness. Haven’t dared to touch a salad yet as I am still traumatized by the taste of my last one. Randy made me a PB&J on wheat bread today; it was tolerable, still not the best tasting thing.
Gender: Hopefully finding out at the end of the month!
Labor Signs: Again, no.
Symptoms: Lots of bloat and discomfort in my organs. I think as baby is getting bigger, I am more aware that things are being moved around inside of me. Again, morning sickness, food aversions, headaches, bad sleep, increase in appetite, dizziness, low blood sugar.. the usual.
Belly Button in or out? Still in.. However, I think pretty much anyway can tell I have my belly button pierced through my shirts now..
Wedding rings on or off? Still on and hoping to buy Randy one soon!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mix.. I think I am definitely more happy when I feel good.. and people can tell when I feel bad.. Although, I wouldn’t necessarily say I am “moody” when I feel bad.. just kind of down and out..
Looking forward to: waking up one morning and feeling 100% free of morning sickness! 


  1. Oh man...the acne! I know exactly what you mean. I used the Calidora gift card to blast those pregnancy pimples out of my life. Oh and Proactive has been helping too!

    1. Did you?! I totally need to use those gift cards! I was just afraid I would break out more!! I may have to look into that! :)
