Sunday, July 28, 2013

5 weeks to go

Come again?! 

How did that happen so fast? 
I cannot believe I am in my last month of pregnancy! 

While I am so ready to be back to my pre-pregnancy self, I am totally not ready for this little girl to make her arrival! 

It is amazing how much stuff you need to do prior to having a baby!
While most of these things aren't a necessity in order for Tegan to arrive, being a type A kind of person, they are a necessity for my sanity! 

I so desperately want to have her nursery completely put together.
It is driving me crazy that I cannot find a dresser 
and until I find one, I am at a complete halt with her room. 

I have officially avoided even going into the nursery. I cannot stand seeing all the cute stuff lying all over the floor, waiting to be folded, hung up, organized, and put in their perfect spot. 

I sure hope that within the next week, we will come up with some kind of solution, and that perfect dresser will make itself known! 

The other thing I have yet to do is pack my hospital bag! 
I told Randy about a week ago that we needed to do so and he responded, "For what?! We're coming home right after that baby is born!" 
Haha, oh man, little does he know about all the things we actually do need. 

The baby items are easy and I pretty much already know what I need to pack for Tegan; however, 
I need to go purchase some necessities for myself post-baby, as well as snacks for Randy and things to keep us both occupied like magazines, new movies, etc. 

I'm sure my mind will be somewhere else once we actually are admitted into L&D, but you never know; I would rather have the option of too much to do, than have nothing at all. 

Well, I don't have much else to report for this week, so here it is: 

How far along? 35 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Ugh, I hit my max weight that I wanted to gain.. I am up 30 lbs.. I am really hoping that some of this past weight gain was due to it being 91 degrees the day of my appointment and it was early evening, meaning maybe more water retention! Lol
Maternity clothes? Oh yes.. I continue to grow and my wardrobe is becoming even more limited. I refuse to buy anything else at this point though.
Stretch marks? No, but I feel like they could be around the corner. I have this little vein on my right side that is about 2 mm, very faint, and Randy keeps freaking me out that it is going to turn into a stretch mark! Haha  
Best moment this week: Being able to finally relax without any obligations or stress about upcoming events.
Miss Anything? Oh yes, but the list could go on. Let’s just say I am ready to get back to pre-pregnancy.
Movement: All the time! She is running out of room, so therefore I feel every little movement, jab, hiccup, etc. The only time I mind her movement is when she decides to slide up in my ribs (which for whatever reason, she loves to do when it’s time for me to sleep.. ugh).
Food cravings: Still no cravings.. I have been eating a ton of fruit and froyo sounds amazing all the time, but that is simply because it is summer. I don’t specifically HAVE to HAVE something.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, thankfully feeling pretty good when it comes to queasiness or anything like that.
Gender: Girl, so we hope! I was just thinking, “Oh my gosh, how awful would it be if they were wrong!” I mean, it wouldn’t be awful, but I am totally prepared for a girl named Tegan to come!
Labor Signs: None yet. 5 more weeks of cooking to do, give or take.  
Symptoms: Horrible sleep some nights, rib pain, heel pain in my foot, occasional headache.  
Belly Button in or out? Still in. The skin between where my belly button piercing was is soo tight too! Ick.
Wedding rings on or off? On; I am really surprised how little swelling I have been having.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy during the day, a little more moody at night if I am uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Shopping for Fall baby clothes! J

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun Surprises

Oh my goodness!

So much has happened in the seventeen days that I have been back in Vancouver! 
I have been going non-stop and am one tired mama! 

With that being said, although extremely busy, it has been very exciting! 

My second baby shower was more than I could have ever asked for and it was filled with lots of little surprises and fun things! 

Surprise #1

Randy and I are officially home-owners! I am so blessed to have such a hard working husband who has provided a home for us to raise our daughter in! 

Call me crazy, and I am still not sure how I managed to get it somewhat together, but I agreed to having Anna and my sisters host the baby shower here!  
(Lets just say, the garage is still loaded up with boxes! hehe)

My beautiful hostess and I 

They did such a beautiful job! 

Who can draw the best baby on their head?!

Trying to pick the winner!

Everyone was so sweet and gave me great words of advice as a first time mommy!
Some included: 

"Remember to take time for yourself"
"Always make a big deal even during her smallest feats, because everything is a big deal for little ones; even the small things."
"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." -Proverbs 22:6
"Breathe it all in, LOVE it all out!"

Present time!

The beautiful picture Faith drew for me! She is such a sweet girl with such a big heart!

Natalie helping me hold all the letters my wonderful Sister-in-law Kristina crafted for Tegan's room!  How special and thoughtful was this gift?!!

Miss Tegan's mirror from her Great Aunt Mary! 

Surprise #2
Without being aware, my husband got a present for our daughter and snuck it in with the rest of the gifts..
Yeah, I lost it.. he never ceases to amaze me! 

The beautiful quilt Cassie had her SIL make us!

The perfect outdoor on-the-go highchair my sister Michelle got us. This will be perfect for camping next summer! 

Surprise #3
The gift from my daddy and I lost it again! lol

The gifts could go on! Each one was so special and once again, I am so grateful to have such wonderful, loving, and caring people in our lives! 
Thanks again for being there!

My Beautiful Sisters <3

A little bit of the aftermath in Tegan's nursery; she was S.P.O.I.L.E.D!

The absolutely GORGEOUS blanket Tegan's Great Grandma Sharratt made her! 

It matches so perfectly in her nursery! 

Tegan's first pair of real cowgirl boots from her Daddy! 

 So excited to use our BOB stroller (and to get back in shape post baby!)

Our matching carseat from Tegan's Great Aunt Lois and Great Grandma Hardy!
 Where Tegan will first be hanging out and sleeping beside mommy and daddy! Thank you Aunt Kristina and Uncle Rickey! 

 And I am officially jealous.. My daughter has Tiffany Blue Converse!! Marissa you are too sweet (and have awesome taste!!) 

Okay! Thanks for hanging in there! 
Yes, I know.. this is officially the longest blog; but in my defense, there were just too many good pics to choose from! 

So until next week.. 

How far along? 34 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Stay tuned until next week; I have my weigh-in on Wednesday. Hopefully no more than a pound or two! (Fingers crossed)
Maternity clothes? Entirely for my bottoms; still mixing up my tops!
Stretch marks? Nope! Checking every day though!
Best moment this week: My baby shower! A huge shout out to my sisters and Anna for the over-the-top, absolutely beautiful job they did!   
Miss Anything? Sleeping without being in pain!! The last few nights have been absolutely awful! My back is seriously killing me!
Movement: Some days she is super active and other days she is really quite. I can’t stand the days where she is quite being this far along in pregnancy.
Food cravings: None  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing specific, but I have had a few days where I almost feel a little morning sickness. Ick!
Gender: Baby girl    
Labor Signs: Nothing more than the occasional contraction.
Symptoms: Lack of good sleep (I still end up sleeping plenty), aches and pains throughout my body, stretching in my stomach, headaches and little bouts of morning sickness.
Belly Button in or out? In, yet flat. It’s really weird looking.
Wedding rings on or off? On and actually feeling pretty good this week.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Until I have to lie in bed. Haha  
Looking forward to: Sending Marissa (my gf up north) my top maternity pics and then getting them back. The proofs look AMAZING! She did such a wonderful job and I can’t wait to show them off!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Technical Difficulties

So I sincerely apologize for the delay in my last two weeks worth of blogs!

Due to my big move back home, I was out of network with technology and only had my phone to rely on staying up-to-date with all the social media. 

Don't worry though, I still managed to capture my weekly photo and update my pregnancy questionnaire! I know many of you were concerned.. ;)

Since I will be posting two weeks worth of pictures/answers, I will keep the actual blog post short; however, keep a look out for my blog post after this weekend! 

It should be filled with some fun up-to-date info and lots of pictures from my upcoming baby shower! 
I am so excited for Saturday to get here!! 


How far along? 32 Weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: Well, I am officially over my weight goal of 25 lbs; today, I measured in at 26 lbs.. New goal: no more than 30!
Maternity clothes? Yes and getting tired of my choices. I refuse to buy more however, this late in the game.  
Stretch marks? None yet. Eek!
Best moment this week: Moving home and spending some much needed time with the hubby and family!  
Miss Anything? My “family” up north- I miss you all so much already!  
Movement: Oh my, the rib pain! She definitely likes to make herself known in my left rib cage.   
Food cravings: Still no cravings! Woo hoo!  
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, feeling pretty good!  
Gender: Little lady   
Labor Signs: nothing more than some occasional contractions.  
Symptoms: Rib pain, Hip pain, shortness of breath.. plus some occasional aches and pains from falling down the stairs.. oops!  
Belly Button in or out? Innie
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!
Looking forward to: Getting settled  

How far along? 33 Weeks 5 days
Total weight gain: Hopefully still at 26lbs. I have another Dr’s appointment next week, so we shall see. 
Maternity clothes? If I could live in dresses everyday, I would. 
Stretch marks? No, but I am definitely growing! 
Best moment this week: Putting together the crib and absolutely loving it! (Now if I could just find a darn dresser).. 
Miss Anything? Being able to move around and not feel like I’m 80-years-old!
Movement: Yes! Hard kicks and sweeping across my entire stomach. Sometimes I feel like I can actually grab her foot, so weird!
Food cravings: Negative   
Anything making you queasy or sick: As long as I stay hydrated and rested. I have occasionally been feeling a little nauseous, but not like my morning sickness.   
Gender: Girl    
Labor Signs: Nope, feeling pretty good this week.   
Symptoms: Really bad pain in my lower right side/hip area; mainly notice it after a long day and when I try to lay down. I have absolutely no strength through my hips anymore.   
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On, but it’s starting to feel a little tight!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mostly happy; a little moody because it is taking longer for us to be able to get settled! Pregnancy definitely slows things down too!
Looking forward to: My baby shower on Saturday! So excited to see some of my friends I haven’t been able to reconnect with yet!