Sunday, July 21, 2013

Fun Surprises

Oh my goodness!

So much has happened in the seventeen days that I have been back in Vancouver! 
I have been going non-stop and am one tired mama! 

With that being said, although extremely busy, it has been very exciting! 

My second baby shower was more than I could have ever asked for and it was filled with lots of little surprises and fun things! 

Surprise #1

Randy and I are officially home-owners! I am so blessed to have such a hard working husband who has provided a home for us to raise our daughter in! 

Call me crazy, and I am still not sure how I managed to get it somewhat together, but I agreed to having Anna and my sisters host the baby shower here!  
(Lets just say, the garage is still loaded up with boxes! hehe)

My beautiful hostess and I 

They did such a beautiful job! 

Who can draw the best baby on their head?!

Trying to pick the winner!

Everyone was so sweet and gave me great words of advice as a first time mommy!
Some included: 

"Remember to take time for yourself"
"Always make a big deal even during her smallest feats, because everything is a big deal for little ones; even the small things."
"Direct your children onto the right path, and when they are older, they will not leave it." -Proverbs 22:6
"Breathe it all in, LOVE it all out!"

Present time!

The beautiful picture Faith drew for me! She is such a sweet girl with such a big heart!

Natalie helping me hold all the letters my wonderful Sister-in-law Kristina crafted for Tegan's room!  How special and thoughtful was this gift?!!

Miss Tegan's mirror from her Great Aunt Mary! 

Surprise #2
Without being aware, my husband got a present for our daughter and snuck it in with the rest of the gifts..
Yeah, I lost it.. he never ceases to amaze me! 

The beautiful quilt Cassie had her SIL make us!

The perfect outdoor on-the-go highchair my sister Michelle got us. This will be perfect for camping next summer! 

Surprise #3
The gift from my daddy and I lost it again! lol

The gifts could go on! Each one was so special and once again, I am so grateful to have such wonderful, loving, and caring people in our lives! 
Thanks again for being there!

My Beautiful Sisters <3

A little bit of the aftermath in Tegan's nursery; she was S.P.O.I.L.E.D!

The absolutely GORGEOUS blanket Tegan's Great Grandma Sharratt made her! 

It matches so perfectly in her nursery! 

Tegan's first pair of real cowgirl boots from her Daddy! 

 So excited to use our BOB stroller (and to get back in shape post baby!)

Our matching carseat from Tegan's Great Aunt Lois and Great Grandma Hardy!
 Where Tegan will first be hanging out and sleeping beside mommy and daddy! Thank you Aunt Kristina and Uncle Rickey! 

 And I am officially jealous.. My daughter has Tiffany Blue Converse!! Marissa you are too sweet (and have awesome taste!!) 

Okay! Thanks for hanging in there! 
Yes, I know.. this is officially the longest blog; but in my defense, there were just too many good pics to choose from! 

So until next week.. 

How far along? 34 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Stay tuned until next week; I have my weigh-in on Wednesday. Hopefully no more than a pound or two! (Fingers crossed)
Maternity clothes? Entirely for my bottoms; still mixing up my tops!
Stretch marks? Nope! Checking every day though!
Best moment this week: My baby shower! A huge shout out to my sisters and Anna for the over-the-top, absolutely beautiful job they did!   
Miss Anything? Sleeping without being in pain!! The last few nights have been absolutely awful! My back is seriously killing me!
Movement: Some days she is super active and other days she is really quite. I can’t stand the days where she is quite being this far along in pregnancy.
Food cravings: None  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing specific, but I have had a few days where I almost feel a little morning sickness. Ick!
Gender: Baby girl    
Labor Signs: Nothing more than the occasional contraction.
Symptoms: Lack of good sleep (I still end up sleeping plenty), aches and pains throughout my body, stretching in my stomach, headaches and little bouts of morning sickness.
Belly Button in or out? In, yet flat. It’s really weird looking.
Wedding rings on or off? On and actually feeling pretty good this week.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy! Until I have to lie in bed. Haha  
Looking forward to: Sending Marissa (my gf up north) my top maternity pics and then getting them back. The proofs look AMAZING! She did such a wonderful job and I can’t wait to show them off!

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