Thursday, January 30, 2014

Where Did My Baby Go?!

No really. Where did she go?

The last 30 days have brought about so much change in Tegan.
It's as though one morning I woke up and out of nowhere my baby was no longer a baby; instead, she was a living, breathing, moving little being that was suddenly full of life and personality.

Although months one through four had their achievements and breakthroughs; month five-- well month five has been filled with defining moments.

We are no longer on the eat, sleep, poop.. repeat routine.

Sure, Tegan still does these things.. but her awake moments are so much more fun now.

I mean seriously, this girl cracks me up.
And I love watching her develop her little big personality.

It has become very obvious that she did not inherit my shyness I struggled with growing up.
Thank goodness. 

Instead, little Miss T knows how to steal the attention and boy is she good at it.
She will literally belt out some vocals and flash you a gummy grin
 if you aren't paying enough attention to her.
She loves to be entertained and she finds most anything you give her/show her fascinating.

On the flip side, Tegan also chooses to "ignore you" from time to time.
Literally… she will give you a blank stare and act as if you aren't even there.
(Slightly hilarious, yet sometimes embarrassing).

Of all things, the best thing about my daughter right now are her snuggles.
Oh my goodness.. does the girl love snuggling.
There is nothing that makes my heart more happy than when she muzzles her face into my chest,
chooses which cheek to rest on, and lays her head down-- all the while staring up at me and letting me know she loves me.

During the day, Tegan loves to play in her Jumperoo,
even though she is still slightly too short for it.
She spends a lot of time in her Summers activity chair and
we still read tons of books everyday.
As of right now, tummy time is hit or miss since she would much rather be
 sitting up staring at her surroundings...
and I am lucky if I can get Tegan to stay on her back for more than 5 minutes
 before she decides to flip over onto her stomach.

One thing Tegan and I both love are our playdates!
It amazes me how aware she is of other babies now and she is always trying to touch them, hold their hands and give them "kisses" i.e.: suck on their face.

As we all know, running errands isn't always the easiest thing with a baby;
however Tegan really enjoys getting out of the house and she loves to
stare out the car windows while we are driving.

Oh, did I mention she is big enough to lug around on my hip now?
Say what?!
Yeah, my hip.
The girl will grab hold of my shirt, hang on, and comes along for the ride
where ever I may tote her around.
Those days of "fragile" newborn are long gone.

Some other things Tegan has done over the past month:
Sit on her own (tripod position).
Stand on her own while leaning against something such as the couch.
Grabs for objects with 100% accuracy.
Passes toys from one hand to the other. 
Tries to crawl by pushing up on her back legs (she still has a long ways to go). 
Got her ears pierced. 
Is actively teething, yet no signs of anything breaking through. 
Loves looking at herself in the mirror. 
Recognizes both mommy and daddy and always looks to us at the sound of our voices.
She is finally officially out of all NB clothes, working through her 3 mo stuff, 
and we are slowly introducing size 3-6 month. 

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