Saturday, February 23, 2013

13 weeks down

Second trimester, here I come! 

Overall, I decided to make this blog as a way for me to journal my pregnancy and update those who are interested in knowing the progress of my little one's growth. 

Each week I will be updating a photo of myself as well as answering this basic questionnaire. 

A big thank you to Pinterest and the blogger littlebabygarvin, as I have practically stole how she documented her pregnancy. 

I thought it was such a cute idea and a great way to keep track of things! 

Here it is! 

How far along? 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: Thank goodness, Zero!
Maternity clothes? Not yet! My skinny jeans still fit! Whoo hoo!
Stretch marks? nope
Sleep: waking up several times throughout the night (and it isn’t even because I need to pee or anything! Ughhh)
Best moment this week: Hearing the little baby heartbeat!
Miss Anything? Being able to eat normally and feeling like myself L
Movement: No movement’s yet.. Although I know our little peanut is swimming around in there.
Food cravings: No real cravings… still TONS of aversions! I guess I did crave Root Beer a couple times this last week. I’m not sure if I was just from dehydration and that’s what I felt would satisfy it or what. As most of you know, I don’t ever drink pop.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Living.. haha jk.. kinda.. but YES! Salad, Italian dressing, Mexican food, the smell of my Kitchen from my husbands CONSTANT juicing, the thought of taking my prenatal gummies, the taste of my toothpaste, the taste of water, the smell of our high-rise apartment halls, anything wheat.. The list could go on! It makes me sad as I sit here and jot down some of my favorite things.. ie: salad and wheat products.
Gender: 5 more weeks until we find out! My intuition is that I am having a girl.. I would be happy either way. Deep down inside, I think my husband wants a little boy!
Labor Signs: No. Thank goodness!
Symptoms: Morning sickness, nausea, horrible sleep, dizziness, gagging/dry heaving (thankfully no longer throwing up), lots of bloat towards the end of the night, headaches, food aversions, smells, horrible taste in my mouth. You name it, I’ve pretty much have had it.
Belly Button in or out? In and hoping it stays in.. The thought of it pushing out scares me. I don’t know why; I guess I’m afraid it might hurt or something.. haha
Wedding rings on or off? ON! (Which reminds me, I still need to buy Randy a new wedding ring. Something about being pregnant and him not having his on bothers me. Maybe it’s because at our first prenatal appointment, the front desk lady referred to him as my “partner”. I’m sure she does that to everyone as each couple is in a different situation, but it sure bothered me! Lol)
Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody (mainly just towards the hubby) .. I am trying to be positive; but it has been hard with the morning sickness. I am thankful that my MS hasn’t been lasting 24/7 like before, but some days are still really hard. Fingers crossed for a better second trimester!
Looking forward to: my symptoms going away and my belly starting to grow! I am definitely in that “ate too many treats” stage.. haha

For those of you who would like to go back to the beginning and see how this all began, click here

xoxo Gabrielle 


  1. You are adorable. I'm thrilled you have a blog! I'm looking forward to seeing your cute maternity style and of course I love pregnancies and birth stories, too. YAY!
    I didn't drink pop either, but when I was nauseous Sprite helped me so much. Sprite and saltines all day, baby! ;) I hope that soon your nausea will disappear and you'll be in second trimester bliss... Feeling the baby move, getting the big ultrasound, and watching your belly grow! Congratulations again!

    PS I totally feel you on the wedding band, lol!!

    1. Roxanne! I just came across this! Obviously still trying to get used to blogging.. haha.. but any who! Thank you! It'll definitely be interesting to see how things progress and watch my belly grow! Thankfully I am still in my regular clothes, but I'm not sure how much longer this will last. :) Its crazy to think.. only like three more weekends until I find out the sex of the baby! eeek! :) :)
