Monday, April 29, 2013

Car Troubles

Why are cars such a pain in the butt?!

I guess I can't complain too much, because I have been pretty fortunate when it comes to cars; 
However, the Jeep is on its last leg. 

It has some major things that need to be fixed and after attempting to fix it on his own, Randy and I have decided it is not worth it.

The job was much too big and to take it in and have it fixed is far too much money!

With that being said, it lived a long life! 
Considering it is a 1991, it did pretty good for itself. It lasted a previous owner, my oldest sister Danielle, my high school and college years, and Randy over the last two years. 

I have many fond memories in that Jeep, but I am also ready to move onto something new and more reliable! My husband is very deserving of a new car and although the timing isn't the best
with baby on the way, everything happens for a reason!

Yay to being an adult and responsibilities! ;)

Anywho, here I am as of today. 
Please forgive me for looking so haggard, I just got done cleaning teeth for 10 hours! 

How far along? 22 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: Well.. I am hoping I have only gained ½ to 1 lb since my appointment.
Maternity clothes? Yes and realizing I don’t have enough..    
Stretch marks? No.. I think my stomach still has some room to grow before it really begins to stretch.
Best moment this week: Feeling baby move. It only took me getting sick for it to happen. Lol
Miss Anything? Being 10 lbs lighter.. I can’t even imagine what it is going to be like when I gain another 10! I can definitely feel it through my arms and face..  
Movement: Yes! They are still very faint, but I am certain it is what I am feeling. I happened to get really sick at work last Wednesday. It started with a really bad side ache on my left side that then turned into back pain too.. Next thing I know I was sweating profusely and thought I was going to vomit. After excusing myself from my patient and trying to calm myself down, I drank some water and managed to go back to my patient. Half way through her appointment, I started feeling all these random fluttering feelings in my stomach.. apparently baby girl didn’t like how I was feeling either.. since then, I have felt these little random flutters each day.
Food cravings: Still no cravings
Anything making you queasy or sick: Occasionally certain smells, but it is pretty rare now.
Gender: Girl
Labor Signs: Thankfully no and hoping it stays that way for quite some time!
Symptoms: tailbone is the worst of them right now!  
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On.. but my hands were super swollen the other day! Oh my!  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, yet easily stressed.. lol  
Looking forward to: The month of May!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Little Bows and Painted Toes


Those were the words that came out of my mouth the moment
 we found out we were having a little Girl! 
Randy and I couldn't be any more thrilled and we are so excited
 to start the planning process!

I already know the color scheme I have in mind for the nursery, so now it is just a matter of finding all the perfect little pieces! I can't wait for these next few months to 
hopefully fly by and cannot stop thinking about what and 
who our little girl is going to look like!

I am so in love with my husband and have been so amazed by his love he already has for our baby!
While some men don't care about the little things, like picking out baby clothes 
or what color or theme the nursery will be..
He very much has an opinion that has impressed me beyond belief!

He wants absolutely the best for our little Girl and I already know that I have lost the battle..
just as I too am a daddy's little girl, there is no way this little one won't end up the same way!

All in all, this weekend was great! 
From the surprise early visit by Randy, to seeing baby on the ultrasound together, finding out the sex, doing some long awaited shopping for her, and of course enjoying our time together at the Chris Tomlin ft. Kari Jobe and Louie Giglio Concert. 

Furthermore, I wanted to give a big thank you to our close and dear friends
 Josh, Jaimie, and Julie 
for helping us with our gender reveal. It was such a fun way to find out what we were having and we are so thankful that you each took time out of your day to be there with us and capture our special moment. 

How far along? 21 Weeks 2 days  
Total weight gain: Let me just say getting on the scale was quite depressing this week! I am up a total of 8 lbs this pregnancy. While I know it is going to continue to go up, I definitely need to start watching my weight gain so that I stay within my goal. I have a little less than 19 more weeks to go!
Maternity clothes? I am mixing it up.. still trying to wear what I can, but also slowly purchasing new things that are more flattering for my changing body!  
Stretch marks? Nope!   
Best moment this week: Finding out what we are having and having the hubby surprise me by making it to the ultrasound! It was the first time he heard the heartbeat and actually got to see the baby moving!  
Miss Anything? Not that I can think of.
Movement: After seeing baby moving all around in the ultrasound, you would think I would be feeling her by now! The ultrasound tech called her a fighter because she was kicking and punching non-stop. Hopefully soon though!
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing specifically, but I have been feeling a little more unsettled in my stomach lately.
Gender: Girl!! My intuition was right! We are both so excited! Randy’s family was cracking me up because they were all thinking it was going to be a boy again. The Sharratt boys will no longer dominate forever! ;)  
Labor Signs: None yet
Symptoms: lots of stretching in the stomach, slightly unsettled stomach, almost feels like I have a bruised tailbone, occasional headaches, lots of random body aches.  
Belly Button in or out? In.. if my belly button does pop out, I don’t think it will happen until around the very last month!   
Wedding rings on or off? On and still fitting good.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy until I get overly tired, then I notice I get pretty moody.. haha  
Looking forward to: Planning! I can finally start thinking about all the things I need to do and want to do!

 Also, just a start.. gotta make sure baby girl has style! 

and of course.. Daddy had to get his little girl her first bunny.. 

We love you Tegan Mae Sharratt! <3


Friday, April 19, 2013

Captured Moments

Here it is, the moment we have all been waiting for.. 

Anxiously awaiting to hear the news..

That sits within this envelope..

Is it going to be a Boy or Girl?!

Only the inside will tell..

Randy says Blue, I say Pink.. 

So which one will baby be?!


Although his mouth is covered in blue.. 

This little one, is definitely all pink! 

It's a baby Girl! 


Sunday, April 14, 2013

20 weeks down

I am so thankful to officially be halfway done with my pregnancy! 

It is crazy to think about how fast time has gone by, yet how much longer I still have. 

Over the last few weeks I have definitely noticed some changes with my body. 
It is never an easy adjustment to see pictures of yourself that are {in my opinion} very unflattering. 
I just have to keep reminding myself, it's due to the pregnancy and
not because I'm just being lazy and getting fat. 

While I know I am still pretty "small", I am growing!
I hardly fit into any of my tops and although my jeans still fit, 
they are very uncomfortable. 

I am also starting to notice more swelling by the end of the day. 
In fact, Thursday at work was a complete joke! HA! 

So we decided to do a "Western" themed day.. which meant jeans and cowgirl boots. 
I managed to find some jeans to fit into and easily squeezed into my cute brown boots.
After seven hours of working, I couldn't take it any longer.
The buttons on my pants were ready to pop
and my feet were dying! 
I had put on so much water retention, I'm pretty sure I could have cut off the circulation to my feet!
My girlfriend grabbed hold of one end of my foot and together we tried to pry the boots off.
What a scene! 

Lets just say I am ready for summer..
Maxi dresses and cute flip-flops, here I come!! :)

Any who...
The countdown is officially on! 

FIVE more days until we find out if Baby Sharratt is a boy or girl! 
What's your guess?!

Here are some quick stats about mama and baby:

-Heartbeat is generally around 154 bpm
-Carrying pretty high
-Had really bad morning sickness
-Fingernails and hair are very brittle 
-Off and on breakouts
-No cravings
-Chinese birth chart and my intuition say It's a girl! ;)

How far along? 20 Weeks 2 days 
Total weight gain: I would say no less than 5 lbs and hopefully no more than 10 lbs! 
Maternity clothes? Yes.. I am in love with my maternity leggings!
Stretch marks? Stomach hasn’t grown enough at this point. 
Best moment this week: Hmm..  it was a pretty typical week, nothing that is popping into my head at the moment.
Miss Anything? Not being so self-conscious about my body!
Movement: Ugh.. still no! I was hoping by now I would have felt something!   
Food cravings: haven’t craved anything still. Again, if something sounds good I will eat it.. but nothing that I have been like.. “Ah, I have to have that!!”
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing specific. Still occasionally will get that uneasy feeling, but it isn’t triggered by anything anymore. 
Gender: Five more days! Baby better cooperate!
Labor Signs: nope! 
Symptoms: body aches, water retention, sciatic still, occasional nausea, shortness of breath after eating (ha!)
Belly Button in or out? Still in and looking the same.  
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy J
Looking forward to: My appointment at 10 am on Friday!   

Monday, April 8, 2013

Boring Days

Who knew someone could be so bored when pregnant? 

I mean you would think my time would be consumed with baby planning, shopping, etc. 

Well that is a big fat Negative. 

If only I could find out that stinkin' gender of this baby I am carrying! Ugh.. time feels
 like it is moving so slow! 

Yet, I am already almost half way through this pregnancy! 

As of right now, my life is consumed with working FT
and then trying to find ways to waste time on the weekend.

Randy has been working out of town and now that I no longer have internet or cable, 
my life is pretty uneventful. 

I have been trying to be good with my spending habits, saving up for baby and such.. and I did finally purchase some maternity items, that were needed.

Hopefully these few things will tide me over until I am showing more and then I will do one more shopping spree for summer. 

How far along? 19 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: I would have to guess at least 5 lbs if not more?! I won’t know for sure until my next Dr’s appointment, which is in two more weeks.
Maternity clothes? I finally went and purchased a few items. I bought some maternity leggings, which I absolutely love! My regular leggings still fit great; however, they are becoming more and more constricting through the waist. I bought a few tops, and most importantly, I finally got some maternity bras.. They were much needed!  
Stretch marks? None so far!
Best moment this week: spending some quality time with my husband and Chip before heading home.. I only get to see them every few weeks or so.. so Randy was definitely in love with the baby “bump”.. if you can even call it that.. haha
Miss Anything? Not specifically.. Pregnancy has been pretty good lately.. Occasionally a bloody Mary sounds amazing and then I remind myself that I absolutely do not need the sodium!
Movement: I’m still going to say no on this one..    
Food cravings: none.. just eating how I typically do.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, not lately!
Gender: Two more weeks to go!
Labor Signs: none at this time
Symptoms: the last few days I have been feeling a little drained and stomach is unsettled.. still having sciatica spasms.. lots of itching.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie!
Wedding rings on or off? Still able to get it on and off, but keeping it on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mixed.. I wouldn’t say “moody” but sometimes overwhelmed.
Looking forward to: Being half way done with pregnancy and finding out what I am having soon!  


Have a great week all!