Monday, April 8, 2013

Boring Days

Who knew someone could be so bored when pregnant? 

I mean you would think my time would be consumed with baby planning, shopping, etc. 

Well that is a big fat Negative. 

If only I could find out that stinkin' gender of this baby I am carrying! Ugh.. time feels
 like it is moving so slow! 

Yet, I am already almost half way through this pregnancy! 

As of right now, my life is consumed with working FT
and then trying to find ways to waste time on the weekend.

Randy has been working out of town and now that I no longer have internet or cable, 
my life is pretty uneventful. 

I have been trying to be good with my spending habits, saving up for baby and such.. and I did finally purchase some maternity items, that were needed.

Hopefully these few things will tide me over until I am showing more and then I will do one more shopping spree for summer. 

How far along? 19 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: I would have to guess at least 5 lbs if not more?! I won’t know for sure until my next Dr’s appointment, which is in two more weeks.
Maternity clothes? I finally went and purchased a few items. I bought some maternity leggings, which I absolutely love! My regular leggings still fit great; however, they are becoming more and more constricting through the waist. I bought a few tops, and most importantly, I finally got some maternity bras.. They were much needed!  
Stretch marks? None so far!
Best moment this week: spending some quality time with my husband and Chip before heading home.. I only get to see them every few weeks or so.. so Randy was definitely in love with the baby “bump”.. if you can even call it that.. haha
Miss Anything? Not specifically.. Pregnancy has been pretty good lately.. Occasionally a bloody Mary sounds amazing and then I remind myself that I absolutely do not need the sodium!
Movement: I’m still going to say no on this one..    
Food cravings: none.. just eating how I typically do.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope, not lately!
Gender: Two more weeks to go!
Labor Signs: none at this time
Symptoms: the last few days I have been feeling a little drained and stomach is unsettled.. still having sciatica spasms.. lots of itching.
Belly Button in or out? Still an innie!
Wedding rings on or off? Still able to get it on and off, but keeping it on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mixed.. I wouldn’t say “moody” but sometimes overwhelmed.
Looking forward to: Being half way done with pregnancy and finding out what I am having soon!  


Have a great week all! 

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