Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Big Changes

Let me begin by saying I had a wonderful Memorial Weekend with my 
Husband, Family, and Friends. 

It was so nice to just relax and actually have three whole days to spend with my hubby!

While most of the weekend was fun and full of  relaxation, we also had
 some serious matter to get down to.
With my third trimester around the corner, I am starting to hit panic mode. 
I feel as though I still have so much to do and I suddenly realized that time is running out!

Today was a good day back to work, but also a really sad day.
I am so bummed to say that I gave my notice and as of the first weekend in July, I will be moving back to Vancouver.

I have been so fortunate to work at such an amazing office with the best group of girls possible and some pretty awesome bosses. I am truly going to miss them and quite honestly I am a bit terrifed to not be working come July. 

Since Randy is working over 3 hours away right now, I couldn't imagine going into labor up here all by myself. Moving home will allow me to have the support of my family
 and close friends in case of an emergency. 
Furthermore, they will be able to help get me by if needed until Randy is able to get to my side. 

While I am feeling a mix of emotions right now {excitement, sadness, anxiety, etc.}, I am trusting in God and knowing that all things will happen according to his plans. 

Here is to change.. big change.. 

(Sorry, just got out of the shower..)

How far along? 26 Weeks 4 days  
Total weight gain: I feel like I could seriously be close to 20lbs at this point. The last few days I have been so swollen and retaining a lot of water, ugh..  
Maternity clothes? Yes! Just bought a bunch this last weekend so I have a little more variety!
Stretch marks? Nope.. I even had Randy do a double take of my stomach to make sure.  
Best moment this week: Hanging out with my husband, friends, and family.. and Tegan kicking Randy in the head! ;)
Miss Anything? My body.. I feel like I am morphing into something unrecognizable.
Movement: All the time. I actually hate when she is “quiet” now.   
Food cravings: Still no cravings.   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing in specific.    
Gender: Baby Girl
Labor Signs: None.  
Symptoms: I have been definitely experiencing back pain, my tailbone still hurts like crazy, and the swelling is out of control.
Belly Button in or out? Innie
Wedding rings on or off? On still  
Happy or Moody most of the time: Mixed
Looking forward to: My first baby shower in a couple of weeks!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Envisions of my Daughter's Future

Tegan has been moving like crazy and I absolutely love it!
I feel like I have waited for this moment for so long. 

While her little flutters have been great to feel, they are finally getting stronger and more frequent
and it is a constant reminder that there is this little human being growing inside of me!

I can tell that she is going to love music and I can only hope that she will have 
a passion towards dance like I once did and still do. 
If not, I know she will do great things no matter what!

I am so excited to support my daughter in all the things she will learn to love
and can't wait to go through the journey with her as she 
figures out the things she doesn't. 

How far along? 25 Weeks 2 days  
Total weight gain: 13-15lbs.. Hopefully no more. Every time I spend a weekend at my girlfriend Jaimie’s, I seem to put on weight a little quicker! Girl has snacks for days!!
Maternity clothes? I live for my maternity leggings. I hope to be getting a few more bottoms to wear when I’m down in Portland for Memorial Day weekend.. I have to find some cute maternity outfits for my photo shoot.
Stretch marks? None yet!
Best moment this week: Seeing my stomach move when Tegan kicks. She is getting stronger and stronger.
Miss Anything? Home. Even though I have been living up north for over a year and a half now, it just doesn’t feel like how “home” feels. I miss the convenience of being able to go over to my dad’s house whenever I want and going to all my favorite spots without the stress of traffic. With summer approaching, I definitely miss all our summer traditions with friends and the shenanigans we seem to get into.
Movement: Most definitely and they are becoming more frequent to where I can actually let people feel if they want.   
Food cravings: None.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.   
Gender: Female  
Labor Signs: None, but I hear I am getting closer and closer to when Braxton hicks can begin.
Symptoms: Starting to get a little back pain and still the tailbone pain. Feet are pretty swollen and sore by the end of my work days.  
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On. I am hoping I will still be able to wear it during my maternity shoot in like a month.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty content, just miss my husband.   
Looking forward to: Starting my third trimester soon. CRAZY!

Monday, May 13, 2013


Overall, I would have to say that throughout my pregnancy 
I have kept my emotions in check.

I haven't gone crazy psycho on Randy. 
I haven't cried over silly commercials or movies. 
I haven't been upset and thrown a fit because I haven't gotten my way. 
Etc. Etc. 

This weekend was a little different. 
I was definitely feeling down and for a number of reasons. 

Randy and I have done the long distance thing a number of times, but this has 
definitely been the hardest. 

While I encouraged him to take the job offer (better company, better job title, more OT hours),
I guess I wasn't prepared for how much this pregnancy would make me miss 
him even more! 

Our weekends together are pretty limited. 
We basically get all of Saturday to hang out and then I try to stay with him as long as I can on Sunday before I have to make the drive back north. 
This Sunday.. it was a struggle. I did not want to get in my car. 
My heart just sank knowing I had to leave him and that it would be another two weeks before I would see him again. 

Two weeks may seem like nothing, but lately it has been everything as I have really been feeling isolated and alone up here. 

Secondly, I was surrounded by the fact that it was Mother's day weekend more than ever this year. 

Yes, I am an expecting mom, but I haven't really done any true 
motherly duties for my daughter quite yet.
Sure, I gave up my body and she is having free rein with it, but really aside from that
I haven't earned the title of "mom" quite yet. 

I felt so blessed by all the warm wishes for a Happy Mother's day from those close and dear to me
.. but it was hard to throughly enjoy when I was missing my own mama so. 

This is the fourth year she has been gone and while each year they say 
it will get easier and easier, this pregnancy only made it that much harder. 

It was a reminder of all the things my daughter is going to miss out on, 
that I miss so terribly about my mom. 

While my mom had her own struggles at times, 
she was always filled with so much love and compassion..

and even though we didn't always see eye to eye, my mom taught me 
so much about life and what it is truly worth. 

One thing I know for sure, is to never take your loved ones for granted and the biggest thing 
I want for Tegan is to be surrounded by her family who love her so dearly already. 

I am blessed to have such an amazing family, both mine and Randy's, who love us unconditionally and support us through all our decisions and life changes. 

How far along? 24 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: 13 lbs.. My Doctor told me she is very happy with my weight gain thus far and said that she wants me to gain at least 22-25 lbs. She said that for being more than half way through my pregnancy, even if I double my weight at this point, I would only be up 26 lbs, which is perfect.
Maternity clothes? 60% maternity clothes, 40% regular.. if I could, I would wear maternity clothes all the time (or clothes that I specifically bought for this pregnancy); however, it adds up quickly!
Stretch marks? No.. I did finally buy some belly lotion stuff this weekend though.   
Best moment this week: Randy feeling Tegan kick! She still doesn’t kick very strong, but I had told him I thought I might have felt her from the outside; it’s always hard to tell since I can for sure feel her on the inside. Well, every time she would kick and he would try to feel, she would stop. FINALLY, she was going crazy for a couple minutes and he was actually able to point out the kicks without me saying anything. He got it right on every time! J
Miss Anything? This week I was definitely missing my mama. It makes me sad knowing my daughter will never get to see her.
Movement: Progressively getting more frequent and stronger.  
Food cravings: Still no cravings, which is fine by me!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No more queasiness! Yay!  
Gender: Girlie Girl  
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: tailbone pain, Charlie horses in my calves, spasms through the butt, starting to notice swelling by the end of the day.
Belly Button in or out? It is in, but Randy pointed out that it is definitely on its way to becoming an outie. I tried to deny it, but I guess it is getting shallower.
Wedding rings on or off? On!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very emotional this weekend. Tried to keep myself in check, but eh.. What can you do.
Looking forward to: Finalizing our registry and planning the nursery. 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Days That Felt Like Summer

How beautiful is this weather we are having!
Ah, if only Washington could be like this year round! 

I don't know about everyone else, but I have been thoroughly enjoying the beautiful sun! 
I am so looking forward to another nice weekend
and working on my tan! 

That's right. This little half asian is pasty white! 
I totally feel like I am going to live by the statement
"Tans make everything better." 
Because right now, I could use it. 

I will be headed down to Vancouver once again and am looking forward to heading to the 
Master Garden event with the wonderful miss Anna!
She has quite the green thumb and I could learn a thing or two from her! 

... cause let me tell you, there is nothing better than a salsa garden and 
homemade salsa all summer long! 

All in all, I cannot believe summer is right around the corner
and this little girl will be making her presence before we know it! 

Randy and I are going to attempt to put together a baby registry 
as my first shower is in just a short month! 
Holy moly!
I am sure I will have to go back with an experienced mama to make some adjustments
and to tell me what is actually good and not so good. 

Here I am today.. 
(I really need to stop taking these pictures after my workday, oh well). 

Growing, growing, growing.. 

How far along? 23 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: At least 10-12 lbs.. hopefully no more.. eek, guess we will find out on Friday.
Maternity clothes? Just bought some cute summer dresses! Can’t wait to wear them!     
Stretch marks? None yet  
Best moment this week: Finding some more cute baby clothes.. I have officially cut myself off until the fall stuff starts to come out!   
Miss Anything? Being able to lie on my back flat without severe pain and lack of control through my hips and butt!
Movement: Little flutters here and there. I notice them more when I am lying on my stomach; I wonder how much longer I will be able to get away with sleeping in this position.  
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not currently.
Gender: Little Diva ;)
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Headaches again, major tailbone pain, and weakness through the hips.   
Belly Button in or out? Still in.. I am slightly starting to notice my belly button ring area is getting a little tender if it gets rubbed or caught on something. I wonder how much longer I will be able to keep my piercing in?!
Wedding rings on or off? On for the time being.. Sometimes I panic when my fingers swell and I can’t get it off.. This heat isn’t helping either.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was totally emotional last night, not gonna lie. Today is a new day though and I am trying to be happy and enjoy our beautiful weather!
Looking forward to: This weekend! We are going to start our baby registry! Woo hoo!