Monday, May 6, 2013

Days That Felt Like Summer

How beautiful is this weather we are having!
Ah, if only Washington could be like this year round! 

I don't know about everyone else, but I have been thoroughly enjoying the beautiful sun! 
I am so looking forward to another nice weekend
and working on my tan! 

That's right. This little half asian is pasty white! 
I totally feel like I am going to live by the statement
"Tans make everything better." 
Because right now, I could use it. 

I will be headed down to Vancouver once again and am looking forward to heading to the 
Master Garden event with the wonderful miss Anna!
She has quite the green thumb and I could learn a thing or two from her! 

... cause let me tell you, there is nothing better than a salsa garden and 
homemade salsa all summer long! 

All in all, I cannot believe summer is right around the corner
and this little girl will be making her presence before we know it! 

Randy and I are going to attempt to put together a baby registry 
as my first shower is in just a short month! 
Holy moly!
I am sure I will have to go back with an experienced mama to make some adjustments
and to tell me what is actually good and not so good. 

Here I am today.. 
(I really need to stop taking these pictures after my workday, oh well). 

Growing, growing, growing.. 

How far along? 23 Weeks 3 days  
Total weight gain: At least 10-12 lbs.. hopefully no more.. eek, guess we will find out on Friday.
Maternity clothes? Just bought some cute summer dresses! Can’t wait to wear them!     
Stretch marks? None yet  
Best moment this week: Finding some more cute baby clothes.. I have officially cut myself off until the fall stuff starts to come out!   
Miss Anything? Being able to lie on my back flat without severe pain and lack of control through my hips and butt!
Movement: Little flutters here and there. I notice them more when I am lying on my stomach; I wonder how much longer I will be able to get away with sleeping in this position.  
Food cravings: None
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not currently.
Gender: Little Diva ;)
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Headaches again, major tailbone pain, and weakness through the hips.   
Belly Button in or out? Still in.. I am slightly starting to notice my belly button ring area is getting a little tender if it gets rubbed or caught on something. I wonder how much longer I will be able to keep my piercing in?!
Wedding rings on or off? On for the time being.. Sometimes I panic when my fingers swell and I can’t get it off.. This heat isn’t helping either.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I was totally emotional last night, not gonna lie. Today is a new day though and I am trying to be happy and enjoy our beautiful weather!
Looking forward to: This weekend! We are going to start our baby registry! Woo hoo!

1 comment:

  1. My cousin was able to keep her belly button ring in through her pregnancy with twins! She got a flexible plastic one, might be a good idea. You're going to look so cute in maternity dresses. I had fall babies so I wasn't full term in the summer, but I being pregnant in the summer for the time I was. It's easy to get dressed, you're tan, and a bikini with a belly is just too cute!
