Sunday, June 30, 2013

Braxton Hicks

I cannot believe the countdown is on!

I mean I know I have been counting down since day one, but it's like REALLY on now. 

While I spent two wonderful days dealing with Braxton Hicks contractions, I actually didn't find them to be all that bad. The biggest thing is that it just means my body is getting ready for the real deal!

Ah! Freak out moment. 
Haha, i'm just kidding. 

But really, everything has been happening so fast and it is only going even faster!

I am so excited for some things that are coming up real soon, so keep posted to find out more! 

Until then, it has been a long weekend of packing, cleaning and moving.. 

Time to relax!

How far along? 31 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Who knows with all this heat wave business.. I’m pretty sure I’m carrying some extra pounds in water retention alone. ;)
Maternity clothes? How about no clothes?! Haha, just kidding, but seriously; I think I hang out in booty shorts and tank tops more than anything these days.
Stretch marks? Nope. My belly button piercing spot scares me a little bit where there is already a scar, so keeping it a close watch on it.
Best moment this week: Having Randy around for the weekend and finally moving all our stuff out of the apartment. 3 more days and I will finally be reunited with him for good.
Miss Anything? Being able to walk around for longer than 30 minutes without my feet starting to ache and swell!
Movement: Like crazy! I am pretty sure she is head down, so lots of movement in my upper abdomen now.  
Food cravings: none   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Just have to make sure and keep myself hydrated and well fed with this heat.
Gender: Little Misses  
Labor Signs: Well, my body is definitely preparing for labor. I had two lovely days filled with Braxton Hicks. I am hoping it is just because I overexerted myself packing and moving.  
Symptoms: Hunger pains, poor sleep, back pain, swollen feet
Belly Button in or out? In  
Wedding rings on or off? Well, my solitaire is still on. I took my wrap off this weekend though. I figure if my fingers swell, it is going to be much easier to get the solitaire off alone then the whole set.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy! The weather has been beautiful! I got to spend the weekend with my hubby! And I am officially out of that apartment that has many lingering morning sickness memories!
Looking forward to: Moving back home on Wednesday and spending the beautiful 4th of July weekend with friends and family!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Freak out Moments

So, I completely surprised myself. 
I didn't think I would have any real "freak out" moments, until I had one. 

I've been asked a couple of times if I am nervous about delivering little Miss Tegan and
my typical response is "No" because really when it comes down to it, I'm not.

I'm not afraid of the pain.
I haven't even thought about a c-section as an option.
I'm not afraid that I could potentially die giving birth.
I'm not even afraid of the fact that I am trying this thing all natural. 

But of course.. the ONE time I freak out, it happened to be exactly over me delivering Tegan.
I laugh about it now, because it is pretty funny.
And I remind myself of all the many women who have done this exact same thing already.

For whatever reason though, one day Tegan was moving all crazy like and 
I started thinking about just how big she really has gotten. 
I was loving the fact that I could feel more than just kicks and as I was trying to guess what 
part of her body she was moving up against me, I suddenly was like..

"Oh my gosh! She still has two more months of growing to do. There is NO turning back! I am having this baby whether I like it or not and there is only ONE way for her to come out. 
(Okay.. I know there is really two, but like I said.. c-section is not an option for me at this time).

Haha, it is so crazy to think about what our bodies are capable of doing! 
After I calmed myself down, laughed at myself a little, and reminded myself just how capable 
I am of doing this specific thing, I went about being my happy self again. 

Since then, I have been really curious about how big Tegan actually is and wonder when the doctors start measuring her, or how they even do this in the first place.
I don't think I will be getting any more ultrasounds, unless something serious happens, 
so I don't understand when other expecting moms say their babies 
are in such an such percentile and weigh such and such pounds. 
How do they know this?

At this point in my pregnancy, I think I'm carrying a small baby, but we will see.
 I still have 9 1/2 weeks to go and she is growing every day! 

Just a little fact about me: 
I was born 6 lb 8oz and I was the fattest and chubbiest of all three sisters! :)

How far along? 30 Weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: 20 something..  I actually feel like I have done pretty good since my last weigh-in and am feeling about the same.. So hopefully I am only up a pound or two, if even. ;)
Maternity clothes? Yes. I was really hoping I would fit into my shorts for summer, but lets just say I’m sportin’ some “thunder” thighs. haha
Stretch marks? Nope! And hoping it stays that way!  
Best moment this week: Passing my gestational diabetes glucose test! It is very comforting knowing that I am healthy as it means my baby is hopefully healthy too!  
Miss Anything? I’m starting to miss my work friends even though I haven’t left yet. They are just such a great group of girls to work with that it makes me sad knowing I only have a week and half left with them.
Movement: Yes! I love when I actually see my stomach move with her. Her movement has become so much more frequent, that I become concerned when she isn’t moving.
Food cravings: Still none.. I heard I may start developing some as I get closer to the end, but I’m not real sure about that. I think I will be in the clear.  
Anything making you queasy or sick: I got really sick like yesterday when I went to dinner with my sister. We weren’t sure if it was something I ate earlier and my body just wasn’t happy or if it was completely pregnancy related. Either way, it lasted through this morning and then I started feeling better this afternoon.  
Gender: Pretty in Pink
Labor Signs: None. I really don’t think I have had any Braxton hicks either, which in my opinion is a good thing. Any signs of labor can wait until I move back home. Thanks.
Symptoms: Puffiness, slight edema, typical aches and pains, back pain while sleeping.
Belly Button in or out? It is in still. I’m actually really surprised!
Wedding rings on or off? Thankfully on!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am happy. I am really happy with where my life is going right now. It is a mix of emotions, but overall HAPPY!
Looking forward to: My maternity shoot with Miss Marissa on Thursday!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Quick Updates

Hello All! 

I am feeling very large and uncomfortable today.. so this is going to be a quick one!

I cannot believe that in 2 1/2 weeks I will be moving back home..
In 1 month I will be having my big family/friends baby shower..
and in 10 weeks (give or take) I will be having this little girl! 

Where has the time gone?

I am so looking forward to being done with work and settling down for the summer. 
I feel as though within the last five weeks, I have packed
on some major pounds and have grown something fierce! 

I have officially hit that "not so cute" pregnant stage. 
Haha or so I feel that way. 

 I can't believe how much stuff I still need to do to get ready for baby girls arrival! 
Why am I such a procrastinator? 

Oh and on a side note. 
Having your blood drawn from the same spot three times in a row is totally lame. 
I look like I have track lines surrounded by a major bruise! 
I better pass this glucose test the first time around! 

Well enough of my ramble. I am exhausted and wish I had something more amusing to say. 
But that is it for this week. 


How far along? 29 Weeks 3 days
Total weight gain: Ugh.. 20 lbs and feeling every single one of them.. I’m not sure I am going to stay within my goal of 25 lbs considering I still have 10 weeks to go. L  
Maternity clothes? Pretty much 100%.. aside from the new non-maternity clothes I have bought specifically for this pregnancy..    
Stretch marks? None thank goodness.. I am definitely getting BIG though and nervous that one day I will wake up to some.
Best moment this week: Feeling Tegan get the hiccups and letting my sisters and dad feel her kick.  Also, Randy got to feel her not just kick this time, but actually move inside me.. he was amazed.
Miss Anything? My body! Lol.. and not bumping my stomach into everything (including my patients’ heads!)
Movement: She is soo funny.. she moves ALL the time! But as soon as someone wants to feel, it is like she is aware and she gets all shy.
Food cravings: None.. I am trying to stick to a clean eating healthy diet considering my weight gain.. I am hoping that I just went through a growth spurt that last 5 weeks and that my weight gain will start to taper off!
Anything making you queasy or sick: My Glucose test! Yuck!
Gender: Girl  
Labor Signs: Not that I am aware of. My doctor said I have probably had some Braxton hicks and just haven’t known what to expect.   
Symptoms: Back pain, tailbone pain, Charlie horses, rib pain, and swelling.
Belly Button in or out? Still in and surprisingly so is my belly ring!  
Wedding rings on or off? Still on.. some days my fingers get pretty swollen and I start to panic! lol
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy for certain reasons and emotional for others.. but mainly happy!  
Looking forward to: Moving home! I have a feeling my nesting phase is going to kick in soon!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Baby Showers

A BIG thank you to Jaimie and Julie for throwing me
my first baby shower before I move back home!

I had such a good time celebrating with some of my closest girlfriends up here and I am so blessed
to have each and every one of you girls in mine and Tegan's lives!

Here are a few pictures from the event today..

My two Hostess! 

 My amazing Diaper cake from Yuliana

 Bridget and her littlest Capri (below)

Bridget made Tegan the sweetest little memory box.. This will go perfectly in her Nursery!

Jaimie was so thoughtful and bought Tegan this little SeƱorita dress while she was in Mexico! 

Thank you again to everyone who came and gave up some of their Saturday to be with me and my growing belly! 

How far along? 28 Weeks 1 day
Total weight gain: Not sure and not sure if I even want to know. ;)  
Maternity clothes? Mixing it up..   
Stretch marks? No
Best moment this week: My baby shower today! I had such a fun time celebrating with my girlfriends and couldn’t have been more spoiled and showered with things for this little girl!  
Miss Anything? A skinny face.. ;) I totally see the weight gain in my face.. ughh   
Movement: Yes.. she was moving like crazy yesterday! I took some video and was sending them to Randy.. It was pretty amazing.  
Food cravings: Still no cravings, if I want something, I eat it.. but nothing that I have craved or absolutely had to have.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No and I hope to stay in the clear throughout this last trimester!      
Gender: Team Pink
Labor Signs: No    
Symptoms: Swelling/water retention, sore feet, tailbone, Charlie horses.  
Belly Button in or out? In  
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy  
Looking forward to: Father’s day weekend in Vancouver!