Sunday, June 30, 2013

Braxton Hicks

I cannot believe the countdown is on!

I mean I know I have been counting down since day one, but it's like REALLY on now. 

While I spent two wonderful days dealing with Braxton Hicks contractions, I actually didn't find them to be all that bad. The biggest thing is that it just means my body is getting ready for the real deal!

Ah! Freak out moment. 
Haha, i'm just kidding. 

But really, everything has been happening so fast and it is only going even faster!

I am so excited for some things that are coming up real soon, so keep posted to find out more! 

Until then, it has been a long weekend of packing, cleaning and moving.. 

Time to relax!

How far along? 31 Weeks 2 days
Total weight gain: Who knows with all this heat wave business.. I’m pretty sure I’m carrying some extra pounds in water retention alone. ;)
Maternity clothes? How about no clothes?! Haha, just kidding, but seriously; I think I hang out in booty shorts and tank tops more than anything these days.
Stretch marks? Nope. My belly button piercing spot scares me a little bit where there is already a scar, so keeping it a close watch on it.
Best moment this week: Having Randy around for the weekend and finally moving all our stuff out of the apartment. 3 more days and I will finally be reunited with him for good.
Miss Anything? Being able to walk around for longer than 30 minutes without my feet starting to ache and swell!
Movement: Like crazy! I am pretty sure she is head down, so lots of movement in my upper abdomen now.  
Food cravings: none   
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope. Just have to make sure and keep myself hydrated and well fed with this heat.
Gender: Little Misses  
Labor Signs: Well, my body is definitely preparing for labor. I had two lovely days filled with Braxton Hicks. I am hoping it is just because I overexerted myself packing and moving.  
Symptoms: Hunger pains, poor sleep, back pain, swollen feet
Belly Button in or out? In  
Wedding rings on or off? Well, my solitaire is still on. I took my wrap off this weekend though. I figure if my fingers swell, it is going to be much easier to get the solitaire off alone then the whole set.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy! The weather has been beautiful! I got to spend the weekend with my hubby! And I am officially out of that apartment that has many lingering morning sickness memories!
Looking forward to: Moving back home on Wednesday and spending the beautiful 4th of July weekend with friends and family!

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